---- ---- ---- | If you own a web-site, I recommend you to create an account at Bravenet to get various FREE site tools/services (such as Counter, Guestbook etc., here's a full list: affiliate.htm); and if you decide you will, then please do register it "through" my affiliate program's banner above. sponsored links | ---- validate css, xhtml |
As we all know, no personal website is complete (and doesn't deserve the title "website") if it's without an obligatory self-promoting or rather ego-maniac "about" page. So first, as an addition to my picture below, here are also the links to quite a big 640 x 480 pixels in-size picture of my dog Ariel and me: http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/5681/arikaandmyselfgn9.png, and 1024 x 768 pixels in-size one of my PC and me: http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/5868/pcandmyselfop9.png.
SITE NAVIGATION: index.htm ... initial.htm ... range.htm ... specs.htm ... sound.htm ... history.htm ... about.htm ... links.htm ... picture.htm
A few words about me then. I am a 26 years old male, born on 13 July 1980 and grown-up in a small town Ljubljana (where I still live), which is a capital city of Slovenia, the country located in the veriest heart of Europe. My "full" name is Ivan Tadej and my surname is Persic (or correctly Peršič); meaning that Kandus that I use in the site's meta-info is just my mother's surname, but I use it here on my site because it doesn't contain the "problematic" letters for en/us visitors and their installed fonts. I was learning to play a clarinet (or rather attending the clarinet-lessons) for more than 5 or 6 years during the primary school, and I am still playing it quite a lot, even though I am not attending the lessons anymore. Through those years, I made quite a few appearances on the stage, mostly in my own music-school, and a few times also in Philharmonia here in Ljubljana. Anyway, if you want to, you can contact me by e-mail; the first option to contact me is a very standard one: simply click on the picture with the "letter symbol" below, to send me an e-mail to one of my e-mail account's addresses. In the table below is an image/graphic, which will in turn open your e-mail client (i.e. if you lef-click on it) if you may want to send me some feedback on the site (or just to say hello), to express any thoughts in general, or in fact anything else for that matter. I will try to answer on any serious e-mail that I'll get into my Inbox.
Then, I need to apologize for my bad English (wrong-spelled words) and various grammatical mistakes (wrong-structured sentences), but as you can see I am from Slovenia, and therefore my mother language is Slovenian. The problem is that I just wasn't able to find (and still can't) any suitable and non-bloated software spell-checker (small in-size, with only useful/important features etc.) to check the text "locally" on my hard-disk. While I certainly do not want to install monstrous OpenOffice.org program just for spell-checking, I rather processed the whole site through the free Kephyr Spell-Checker engine on Kephyr Labs home-site: Kephyr Spell-Checker, but since my site is updated regularly, any newly added content might contain sentences that are still wrong. Also, there is another link: http://clarinet.co.nr/ that links to this site; actually it's a full domain-name. Further, you may notice that all the links are in their full "native" form for the origin to be clear, except for the links in the "preface text" on few pages and on some other places across the site too. I got most of the technical information about the clarinet instrument from this particular article-page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarinet on Wikipedia site.
The general layout of this site (meaning navigation, general organisation etc.) was created by me, and was originally used as a template for pages under "sub-other" section on my computing related sites; here are the links to its three main variants: http://tadej-ivan.50webs.com/index.html, http://ivan-tadej.atspace.com/index.html, and http://users.volja.net/tayiper/index.html, which are the only ones still being updated, while those pages hosted on Bravenet, Freehost386, Geocities, and Greatnow free-hosts are not from 5.6.2006 onwards. The mentioned site's title is simply: "Tadej's computing homepage", or from the older variants: "Ivan's website: computing hints, principles, and rules". Anyway, it is still edited/updated by me only, mostly "typed-by-hands" and with a bit of copy/paste in some of the JavaSript's cases. I just want to say that it's not built on pre-made templates (hehe, but in general I love templates, i.e. .txt files with commonly used strings/text in it, for instance for my various e-mail addresses, links, signatures, various BBcode pieces, Wiki and HTML formatting stuff and so on), or even worse, made with "make your own webpage in 20 min" type of applications (or in other words, WYSIWYG program), mostly because I wanted to know enough HTML/CSS and JS to write my own home-site. Then yet another note: for maintaining all four site-variants at the same time, I use the EditPad Lite program, check out one of these links: http://www.editpadlite.com, http://www.editpadlite.com/editpadlite.html, http://www.editpadpro.com/editpadlite.html from the JGsoft software. Oh and of course, I personally guarantee you that there are no malicious scripts (or anything like that) hidden inside the site's source.
Next is a list of links to my various online blogs; as first a link to my main Sopca Blog [ add] and to my old Voljatel Blog, both in the Slovenian language, as second there are the links to the two "ad revenue sharing community" blogs Senserely Blog [ add], writingUp Blog [ add] in English language, then there are the three unsorted blogs Kuro5hin Blog, Spread Firefox Blog [ add], and CastleCops Blog [ add] also in English language, and finally the two futile blogs Slashdot Blog (this one doesn't get much attention), Techrepublic Blog (it's inaccessible to non-registered visitors), both in English language too.
And finally, I am someone who generally tries to be an open-minded person, a guy who likes to walk, sleep, listen to music, watch various movies and series like for instance South Park (btw., me and my two friends were totally similar to SP-gang in cruel imagination; especially in making stories about ourselves, out parents and teachers), Dilbert, Futurama, Simpsons, Babylon 5, Star Trek, which are currently my favorites. Then I also love to browse WWW (especially the news and techy sites), participate on message-boards/forums etc., then listen to a show about conspiracy theories and stuff from Alex Jones (hehehe), and have politics and philosophy as my main "life hobbies". Finally, I like meeting with my friends, going to rave/reggae parties, enjoying my home-town and coast in summer here in Slovenia and do other common things. My personal philosophy is somehow some sort of pacifism (pacifist ethics), so I am trying to live by these two principles too. Oh and I've become a "self-taught" computing geek (a very keen computing amateur) mostly via trial and error in approx. four years. Hmmmm, well what else to say then. Yes, "formally" I am still a student of Architecture at the University in Ljubljana, although it is true that I am currently not studying very ambitiously, and so I somehow became stucked in the "studying era" for few years now. I mean I did study architecture for about two and a half years, and then, I got my first "real" computer, and that's why and when I've quit with trying to pass statics subject to be more specific. Now I yet need to decide what to actually do for a living in my life. And yeah, generally I really hate geting up in the morning (actually since I remember), going to work at all, doing the stuff that someone tells me to do etc.
SITE NAVIGATION: index.htm ... initial.htm ... range.htm ... specs.htm ... sound.htm ... history.htm ... about.htm ... links.htm ... picture.htm
Disclaimer: The technical information on this site is mostly gathered from the Internet, mainly from the article on Wikipedia (I modified the text a bit though, to suite my needs), and so it is is available/distributed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License; here are also two alternative direct links to a page on GNU site: GNU Copyleft/GNU GPL; here are also two alternative direct links to a "licnse page" on the GNU site: GNU Copyleft/GNU GPL. But anyway, for one to write an article (or anything similar for that matter), one needs to get that knowledge/information somewhere, so in my opinion the "originality" of something is a bit relative thing. The expressed opinions and events are mine, and are freely distributed for NON-PROFIT use (personal/individual, end-user, educational, charitable, non-commercial and non-military purposes), or belong to other individuals/entities where so specified (that is to come in future); trademarks, service marks, and logos are the property of their respective owners, who have no association with and do not make any endorsement of the products or services provided by this site.
The site is maintained solely by its author and is best viewed with a standards-compliant browser.
---- ---- ---- | Here below are my various affiliate/referral links to other accounts and/or services where I am a member: Senserely Referral Link, writingUp Refering Link, Spread Firefox Affiliate Link, TrafficSwarm Referral URL, Bravenet Affiliate Link, FreeViral Affiliate Link, Hits2u Affiliate Link, Ax.wbasi Referral Link. | ---- ---- ---- |